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While specific folklore may vary from tribe to tribe, to most Native Americans, feathers are a symbol of honor, strength, wisdom, and bravery; they’re a very important part of tribe culture and tradition.
The most significant feathers are those that belong to golden and bald eagles, which are awarded by a tribal council for notable accomplishments and acts of bravery. Explore our line of silver feather jewelry that is inspired by this rich cultural history.
A Token of Honor
Our bird inspired jewelry invokes the deep spirituality of feathers in Native American culture. The collection includes elegant earrings, bracelets, hair barrettes, and rings — all stamped or carved with the familiar sweeps and swirls of plumage.
When a Native American is presented with a feather, they must proudly wear or display it for everyone to see. Now you can present someone with a deeply meaningful gift they can wear with pride.
The Tribes That Work With Us
At Southwest Silver Gallery, we want to share the best of Native American metalworking with our customers. We collaborate with master craftsmen from local Navajo, Zuni, Hopi, and Santo Domingo tribes to source authentic silver feather jewelry from artists throughout the American Southwest.
If you want to learn more about feathers and traditional Native American culture, reach out to us at 1-888-476-4367 today.